IPL Therapy

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Therapy is a non-invasive cosmetic skin treatment that targets a wide variety of skin conditions in men and women including fine lines and freckles to broken capillaries, redness, sun damage of your hands, neck, chest, and facial imperfections.



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How it works

The light heats your skin, making it possible for your body to break down and get rid of unwanted cells, patches, spots, and colors. Your body will remove the damaged tissue naturally.

What to Expect

During the treatment, your technician will use a device to deliver multiple wavelengths of light into your skin. An IPL laser can switch between colors, making it possible to target different colored areas of skin. The amount of light used is customized to your skin’s current condition and reduces the impact of therapy on the healthy skin surrounding the affected area.

This will treat your skin differently than a typical laser, which only penetrates the outer layer of skin. The IPL’s wavelengths will instead target the deeper layers, fixing the root of whatever skin problems you may currently be experiencing.


  • Depending on the conditions your skin is facing, we recommend between 2 and 4 treatments, each spaced about a month apart. This gives time between healing and restimulation to create optimal results.

  • Patients who have pale or light brown skin are the ideal candidates for IPL therapy.

  • This treatment can reduce the appearance of acne, freckles, rosacea, stretch marks, birthmarks, broken blood vessels, scars, age spots, dark spots, discoloration, and spider veins anywhere on the skin.

  • IPL Therapy is gentler than chemical peels, compatible with other skin care treatments, boosts collagen to help you appear rejuvenated, fosters quick results with minimal downtime, and works anywhere on the body.

  • In the two days following an IPL Photofacial, avoid exposure to hot water, exfoliation, strenuous physical activity, and scratching. For the next month avoid direct sunlight without the use of sunscreen and skin care products that utilize harsh chemicals or vitamin A.